OAS28 February 2012: A public dialogue on governance of sustainable energy and climate change mitigation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) discussed policy policy challenges, needs and reforms necessary to improve energy access and security, and promote diversification source while mitigating climate change.

At the 28 February 2012 dialogue, sponsored by the Organization of American States (OAS), panelists from the OAS, US State Department, United Nations Foundation and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) discussed energy security, access to energy, energy subsidies, dependence of many LAC countries on imported fossil fuels, the need for source diversification, the probable impact of climate change on hydropower, energy efficiency and demand management, the interconnection of national power grids, and how best to promote investment in renewable energy sources in LAC countries.

Panelists and other participants generally agreed that LAC governments should work closely with development assistance partners, the private sector and civil society to promote and facilitate full access to modern, efficient energy services and clean fuels through targeted policies and investment mechanisms, and to promote sustainable energy supplies in rural areas that will support productive uses such as irrigation.

Participants also suggested that governments work with their partners to, inter alia: increase and improve energy efficiency and energy saving measures; better link energy and climate change policies and strategies; promote best practices on the sustainable use of biomass; facilitate the acquisition and deployment of renewable energy technologies; and promote energy integration.

The meeting was part of an OAS series of “hemispheric dialogues” intended to generate recommendations on institutions and governance for sustainable development for both the World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), both scheduled for June 2012. [IISD RS Sources] [OAS Dialogue Series in the Framework of Rio+20]