9 January 2013: Youth from China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Mongolia adopted a declaration on the post-2015 development agenda, at the conclusion of the North-East Asian Youth Consultation on the Post-2015 Agenda, held in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Consultation was convened as part of the global UN-led consultations on the post-2015 agenda.

The Declaration, titled “The World We Want: A North-East Asian Youth Vision,” identifies climate change, discrimination, access to quality education, economic burdens of aging populations, environment, inequality, peace and security, and youth unemployment as key priorities for the post-2015 agenda among North-East Asian youth.

On sustainable development, the Declaration calls for resilience to natural and man-made disasters and addressing air pollution and sustainable energy concerns. On peace and security, the Declaration proposes an organization to discuss historical and territorial disputes among the four countries. The Declaration calls for achievable, realistic development goals that reflect current challenges, and includes recommendations targeted to the UN, governments, NGOs and the private sector.

Participants also discussed lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), noting the MDGs galvanized nations and people. The Declaration recognizes that the MDGs helped to reduce poverty and increase access to primary education, and can keep governments accountable and help countries define national plans.

Participants presented the Declaration to Kim Sung-hwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea, and a member of the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Agenda (HLP). During a keynote presentation, Kim said the future global development framework “should prioritize inclusive economic growth and green growth.” He also stated his intention to contribute concept papers on green growth and a post-2015 implementation mechanism to the HLP.

At the closing ceremony, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) launched its global consultation survey on the post-2015 agenda, MY World, in Korean, the platform’s first non-official UN language.

The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific’s (UNESCAP) Sub-Regional Office for East and North-East Asia, the UN Global Compact Korea Network and Korea University hosted the event, which took place from 7-9 January 2013. [UNDP Press Release] [Declaration] [Facebook Page] [MY World Survey]