28 June 2012: The Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MR-FJLS) has adopted the Nidaros Declaration, highlighting the role of primary food production and processing industries in green growth, and calling for increased sustainability and competitive production in the sector.

The meeting took place on 28 July 2012, Trondheim, Norway, in part in response to the outcomes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) and the report by Nordic Prime Ministers on “The Nordic Region – Leading the Way in Green Growth.” Also in attendance was Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) Deputy Director General Ann Tutwiler, who applauded Nordic efforts to improve food security globally.

The Nidaros Declaration identifies initiatives to enhance green growth, including: efficient, sustainable and ecosystem-based use of renewable resources aimed at adaptation to climate change; use of residual materials and waste; growth based on services from carbon dioxide sequestration, recovery and recycling of plant nutrients, welfare and recreation; economic growth based on improved food quality and healthy foods; government regulations and measures to promote sustainable increases in biological production in the Nordic region; and coordinating on bioeconomy with the EC. [Nidaros Declaration] [NORDEN Press Release]