15th Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement 31 July 2008: The fifteenth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM), held from 27-30 July 2008 in Tehran, Iran, concluded with the
adoption of a document in which
Ministers recognize that climate change poses serious risks and challenges,
particularly to developing countries, and call for urgent global action in
accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

Ministers reaffirm that efforts to address climate change should promote
the integration, coordination and balance of the economic, social and
environmental components of sustainable development, as interdependent and
mutually reinforcing pillars. Ministers also urge the international community
to assist developing countries to address the consequences of climate change,
particularly through new, additional and predictable financial resources,
capacity building, and access to, and transfer of, technology. The Ministerial
Conference was held to: review progress and implementation of the Plan of
Action adopted at the fourteenth NAM Conference of Heads of States or
Governments held from 15-16 September 2006, in Havana, Cuba; prepare for the upcoming
NAM Summit; and address urgent matters. [Final Document]