NGLS9 December 2013: Based on consultations with civil society, the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) has produced two papers to inform the sixth session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The issue briefs highlight recommendations from civil society members on means of implementation issues and on global governance, topics for discussion at OWG 6.

On means of implementation in the new global partnership for sustainable development, the brief reflects civil society’s views on the need to secure more progress and implementation than was achieved as part of the global partnership called for in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The agenda must mobilize new resources of private and public finance, and contain stronger accountability mechanisms for commitments. The brief highlights six overall objectives of civil society: reform the international financial architecture; reform the international tax architecture; reform the international development and climate finance architecture; reform the international trade and investment architecture; adopt strong safeguards in the implementation of public-private partnerships; and increase domestic resource mobilization.

On global governance, the issue paper details the need for participatory, transparent, and accountable global institutions, while listening to all voices in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. Three overarching objectives are identified: establishing participatory, transparent and accountable global governance; reforming global economic governance; and ensuring corporate accountability and transparency. Civil society members stressed the need to incorporate human rights in all levels of policy-making, and suggests that reforms are necessary to ensure that these obligations are fulfilled by international institutions and Member States.

The two policy papers and their recommendations were compiled by UN-NGLS based on previously conducted consultations. [UN-NGLS Press Release] [OWG 6 Website] [Policy Brief #3: Recommendations on Means of Implementation in the New Global Partnership for Sustainable Development] [Policy Brief #4: Recommendations on Global Governance] [IISD RS Coverage of OWG 6] [IISD RS Story on Previous Policy Briefs]