June 2018: Climate Watch has launched a website that identifies potential alignment of targets, actions, policy measures and needs highlighted in countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with SDG targets. The NDC-SDG Linkages website includes a clickable world map, which indicates how closely aligned each SDG and its 169 targets are with each country’s NDC.

The website enables users to search NDC content for all countries, and explore linkages between countries’ NDCs and specific SDG targets. It allows users to click on a specific SDG to view the map and determine, based on a spectrum of color shading for each country, the SDG targets each country’s NDC is aligned with, as well as which countries’ NDCs align with the highest number of targets for each specific SDG.

For example, more than 50 countries’ NDCs are linked to SDG target 2.4 (ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices by 2030), and many countries’s NDCs are also aligned with other targets for this SDG. However, only a few countries’ NDCs are linked to SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) targets, with only one NDC (Egypt) linked to SDG target 16.5 on substantially reducing corruption and bribery.

More than 50 countries’ NDCs are linked to SDG target 2.4 (ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices by 2030).

Many countries’ NDCs are aligned with many of the targets under SDG 13 (climate action). For example, almost all NDCs are aligned with target 13.1 on strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. However, only a handful of NDCs, and none from developed countries, incorporate SDG target 13.a on mobilizing US$100 billion annually by 2020 to address developing country needs.

At the same time, for each SDG, the user is able to click on a specific country on the interactive map to see how many SDG targets are incorporated into that country’s NDC. For example, for SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities), China has five targets linked to its NDC, India has seven, and the US has zero targets linked. For SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), Canada has four targets aligned with its NDC, Niger has five, and Argentina’s NDC does not link to any SDG 7 targets.

Climate Watch is an online platform that compiles datasets to enable users to analyze and compare NDCs, access emissions data, identify how countries can leverage their climate goals to achieve their sustainable development ambitions, and map new pathways to a low carbon future. The platform allows users to create and share data visualizations and comparisons of climate commitments. It contributes to the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change by using open data to increase transparency and accountability, and provides analysis on how countries can enhance climate action.

The website’s partners include Climate Action Tracker, Climate Analytics, the NDC Partnership, the UNFCCC, the World Bank Group, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). [NDC-SDG Linkages Website]