26 July 2018: The incoming President of the UN Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC), Inga Rhonda King, identified as her main priorities delivering a successful High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and reviving ECOSOC, especially with regards to its deliberative function. She also stressed her intention to highlight the actions that can be taken to help countries manage climate change and become more resilient.

The first meeting of the ECOSOC 2019 session took place on 26 July 2018, at the UN Headquarters in New York, US. The Council elected by acclamation Inga Rhonda King, Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, as its new President. It also adopted its provisional agenda, and addressed other organizational matters for its upcoming session.

Delivering her first remarks as ECOSOC President, King said her tenure could represent a defining year in setting a new course for both ECOSOC and the HLPF. She stressed the need for a revitalized, forward‑looking ECOSOC high-level segment that could stimulate discussion on how long-term and future trends, including new technologies, could impact the realization of the SDGs.

Member States will have to think of ways to strengthen the conduct of the next cycle of SDG reviews, while “looking towards the 23 SDG targets that are set for 2020.”

King described the HLPF as the centerpiece of her priorities, highlighting the HLPF meeting to be held under the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2019, when Heads of State and Government will review the entire 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She noted that Member States will have to think of ways to strengthen the conduct of the next cycle of SDG reviews, while “looking towards the 23 SDG targets that are set for 2020.” King further stressed that the call for a more integrated approach to thematic reviews of SDGs, given the interlinkages among them, is well taken.

The ECOSOC President expressed her commitment to engage with the bureaux of the Council’s Functional and Regional Commissions on planning their contribution to the work of ECOSOC and the HLPF, as well as to spearhead the review of their working methods. She added that the Council should continue to find ways to mobilize civil society, academia, and the private sector to push for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Reflecting on the 2018 ECOSOC session, outgoing President Maria Chatardova recalled that 240 side events and special events complemented the official meetings under her tenure, which focused on partnerships, education, business, SDG learning and training, as well as local and regional government. [ECOSOC President Remarks] [UN Press Release] [UN Meeting Coverage]