12 February 2019: The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network has issued publications outlining the role of the NAP process in advancing adaptation goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, supporting national monitoring and evaluation for climate change adaptation in Colombia and Uganda, and assessing the role of integrated vulnerability assessments in the NAP process in the Pacific.

A peer learning workshop report titled, ‘The Role of the NAP Process in Advancing the Implementation of the Adaptation Goals Under the Paris Agreement,’ highlights key messages from the workshop, including that: the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and NAP processes are interrelated, and the NAP process can serve as “the operational vehicle” for implementing adaptation commitments reflected in NDCs; the NAP process can translate national adaptation goals into sub-national and local planning; and the NDC and NAP processes can be mutually reinforcing and avoid duplication of efforts. Workshop participants identified the need to build and enhance understanding of the NAP and NDC process within the government and among key stakeholders and to strengthen the existing coordination mechanisms. They also highlighted linkages among the NDC and NAP processes and SDGs.

The ‘Peer Learning Summit on the Role of the NAP Process in Advancing the Implementation of the Adaptation Goals Under the Paris Agreement’ convened in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1-2 October 2018. It was co-hosted by Thailand’s Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning and the NAP Global Network. [Publication: The Role of the NAP Process in Advancing the Implementation of the Adaptation Goals Under the Paris Agreement] [Publication Landing Page]

A briefing note titled, ‘How Integrated Vulnerability Assessments Support NAP Processes in the Pacific Region,’ highlights the role of the integrated vulnerability assessment (IVA) Framework in the NAP processes underway in Kiribati, Tuvalu and Solomon Islands. The IVA Framework examines how environmental and developmental changes affect local communities, and provides baseline data about communities’ vulnerability through a replicable standardized approach. [Publication: How Integrated Vulnerability Assessments Support NAP Processes in the Pacific Region] [Publication Landing Page]

A briefing note on ‘Integrating Climate Adaptation in Water Catchment Planning in Uganda’ discusses the results of a climate risk assessment of water resources in Uganda’s Ruhezamyenda catchment, provides recommendations on how to “incorporate the learning into planning and implementation at the catchment level,” and highlights lessons for Uganda’s NAP process. [Publication: Integrating Climate Adaptation in Water Catchment Planning in Uganda] [Publication Landing Page]

A sNAPshot country brief titled, ‘Colombia’s Progress in Developing a National Monitoring and Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaptation,’ describes the development of the national monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation in the country, examines lessons learned, and outlines the next steps in the process. [Publication: Colombia’s Progress in Developing a National Monitoring and Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaptation] [Publication Landing Page] [NAP Global Network Resource Library]