9 December 2017: This Update focuses on individual nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries and related support, events and activities for the month of November 2017. During this period, the NAMA Facility launched its fifth call for proposals. A number of side events at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 23) and the Mitigation Momentum’s annual NAMA status report drew attention to lessons learned from implementation so far and potential future role of NAMAs in supporting the Paris Agreement.

Ecofys, ECN NAMA Status Report Charts Role of NAMAs in Post-2020 World

At COP 23, Ecofys and Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), under the Mitigation Momentum project, launched the 2017 Annual Status Report on NAMAs. The report finds that NAMAs are still important to developing countries, with 30 new actions registered over the past six months and NAMAs mentioned in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of 45 countries. However, only 8.5% of registered NAMAs have secured funding for implementation. The report notes that, while lessons learned from NAMA development “provide valuable insights for current implementation activities,” there is no one solution to securing financing and, hence, creativity is needed. With the role of NAMAs in supporting developing countries’ NDCs as its main theme, the report explores three areas for solutions: existing experiences and knowledge among public officials and practitioners in developing NAMAs; project developers’ experiences in designing relevant financial mechanisms; and the circular economy approach, which could help countries in achieving both mitigation targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). [Ecofys Press Release] [Mitigation Momentum Press Release] [Annual Status Report on NAMAs 2017]

NAMA Facility Launches Fifth Call

One source of financing for NAMA implementation is the NAMA Facility, supported by the UK, Germany and the European Commission. In November, the Facility launched its fifth Call for Proposals, which will run through 15 March 2018. The donors intend to commit to up to €85 million in additional funding to the Call. In order to provide further information, the Facility’s Technical Support Unit organized a webinar, attended by 250 participants, which focused on: the Call’s process and timeline; eligibility and assessment criteria; and application format. The Call was launched at a COP 23 side event. A recording of the webinar is available online. [NAMA Facility Press Release on 5th Call] [NAMA Facility 5th Call Webpage] [NAMA Facility 5th Call Webinar Recording]

COP 23 Side Events Highlight Role of NAMAs in NDCs, in Mediterranean

At its COP 23 side event, the NAMA Facility also explored the Facility’s role in unlocking finance for ambitious mitigation action in the future. The event aimed to demonstrate the joint commitment of developing countries and donors to continued financing and implementation of ambitious and transformational NAMAs to support the Paris Agreement. The Facility also launched a publication titled, ‘Inspiring Ambitious Action on Climate Change,’ which reflects on the Facility’s role in the international climate finance landscape, explains the role of NAMAs in NDC implementation, and presents case studies from the Facility’s portfolio. [IISD RS Web Coverage of Event] [IISD RS NAMA Facility Bulletin] [NAMA Facility Publication on Inspiring Ambitious Action]

A side event organized by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) explored the potential for NAMAs in Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) of the EU. With total infrastructure financing needs for a low-emission and climate-resilient economy estimated at €300 billion by 2030, MPCs are working on a series of reforms and on creating enabling financial environments. With an eye on this, the event examined the extent to which NAMAs have been a useful financing vehicle for developing a pipeline of mitigation projects in MPCs. [EUEI PDF Press Release]

Also at COP 23, the UNFCCC Secretariat delivered a technical briefing on the UNFCCC NAMA Registry. Possible additional roles for the Registry were presented, including: recording of specific NDC-related mitigation action and associated support needs; support on tracking of implementation of international support commitments for mitigation actions; reporting on the implementation status of mitigation efforts and associated ex post impacts; and compiling of best practices. [UNFCCC Secretariat Presentation]

Capacity Building for NAMA Development in Philippines, Ghana

In late November, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Asia and the Pacific Office, with the Philippines Climate Change Commission and the Philippine Green Building Council, convened an event on NAMA development for the building sector. Organized as part of a week of activities by the Climate Change Commission, the event drew the participation of more than 100 building stakeholders from several sectors. The event served to share experiences and potential strategies for successful NAMA implementation in the building sector under the broader framework of NDCs and promotion of sustainable urban development. [UNEP Press Release]

In Ghana, the private sector umbrella organization Private Enterprise Federation (PEF) organized two training workshops for its NAMA Private Sector Platform members on NAMA proposal development. Delivered as part of the private sector component of activities under the Low Emission Capacity Building Programme (LECBP), the event served to identify common barriers, including lack of access to clean technology markets, lack of capacity to develop bankable proposals, insufficient financial incentives for private sector participation, and credit and performance risks. Workshop participants called for the PEF to “develop a platform that addresses the specific needs of the interested business entities.” [PEF Press Release]

In other news, the German Government released a leaflet sharing lessons on ‘Building Capacity for NAMAs,’ which showcases the examples of the German-Mexican NAMA Programme and the Mitigation Momentum project. The Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) announced the release of a short film on Colombia’s transit-oriented development (TOD) NAMA, for which CCAP developed a finance proposal. [BMUB Publication on Building Capacity for NAMAs] [CCAP Pres Release on Colombian TOD NAMA Short Film]

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NAMAs, first introduced in the UNFCCC Cancun Agreements, are actions that reduce GHG emissions relative to business-as-usual (BAU) emissions in 2020 in developing countries. They are prepared under the umbrella of a governmental initiative, aligned with the country’s national development goals, and supported by finance, technology and capacity building. NAMAs are becoming an increasingly important vehicle supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, with significant co-benefits for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development due to their alignment with national development strategies.