13 December 2017: The fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership opened on 11 December in observance of the 2017 International Mountain Day (IMD2017) and in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Mountain Partnership. The meeting also launched a Framework for Action, adopted governance-related decisions, and reflected on the achievements, priorities and challenges of its stakeholders and constituents.

Observed annually on 11 December, this year’s IMD explored the nexus between climate-related shocks, food insecurity and migration. In the Framework for Action launched on the Day, participants pledged to make sustainable mountain development and mountain ecosystem conservation an integral part of their development policies. Speaking on the Framework, Dominique Kohli, Assistant Director-General, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland, said it [the Framework] is key for global sustainable development, and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will unlock indispensable environmental services, such as air quality and fresh water.

Participants at the meeting went on to discuss the linkages of mountains to a number of development priorities and challenges. They included: the relationship between mountains and climate change, disaster risk management, food and water; mountain goods and services; mountain communities and migration. Participants also addressed the relationship of the Framework to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Reflecting on the Partnership’s 15th anniversary, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat reviewed activities, challenges and achievements, while Steering Committee members reported back on the achievements, priorities and challenges in their constituencies. Highlighting main achievements, Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat, underscored strengthened multi-action and regional cooperation; and global advocacy campaigns including, a presence in UN conventions, three targets in the SDGs that make reference to mountain ecosystems, and development of the Mountain Green Cover Index to monitor SDG target 15.4 (ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems).

The Mountain Partnership also adopted decisions on its governance. Members approved decisions to: maintain the current Membership Fee provisions and status of voluntary contributions; select alternate Steering Committee members; remove inactive members from the membership list; continue the hosting arrangement of Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) hosting the Secretariat; and delete the function of innovation as one of its focal areas. The members elected new and alternate Steering Committee members for the period 2017-2021; adopted the Advocacy and Communication Strategies; and discussed priorities and identified the main areas of work, including advocacy, capacity development, joint action, and communication.

The fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership convened, with 215 participants in attendance, at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 11-13 December. [IISD RS Coverage of the Global Meeting] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on IMD2017]