27 September 2012: The First Meeting of Signatories (MOS 1) to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks, the first meeting since the MOU came into effect in 2011, adopted a conservation plan for sharks.

It was organized by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), and convened from 24-27 September 2012, in Bonn, Germany.

The meeting took place in plenary sessions and in two working groups on the draft conservation plan and administrative and budget issues. Participants adopted the Conservation Plan, which is based on the following eight overall principles: it only refers to migratory shark species listed in Annex 1 of the MOU; it aims to complement actions described in the MOU; it should be implemented by Signatories individually or cooperatively; Signatories should periodically review the effectiveness of strategies; Signatories should support regional synergies; Signatories may encourage prioritization of actions; Signatories are encouraged to use this Conservation Plan; and it combines long-term and short-term activities.

The Plan is structured according to five objectives, including: improving understanding of migratory shark populations through research, monitoring and information exchange; and ensuring that directed and non-directed fisheries for sharks are sustainable.

Participants agreed to the EU’s proposal to convene the next meeting in three years, and to postpone the decision on a venue. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage]