Partnership on Mitigation and MRV27 March 2014: Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) experts and government stakeholders from Chile, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico and the Philippines gathered for a two-day ‘Exchange Workshop on Institutional Arrangements for MRV.’

The event was organized by the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Policy Advice for Environment and Climate Change (PAKLIM) programme, and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Information Matters project.

The workshop, held in Berlin, Germany, on 26-27 March 2014, aimed to facilitate peer-to-peer exchange on trends in MRV practices and institutional arrangements in developing countries. Participants observed that methods for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting across countries have converged, while MRV institutional arrangements are still largely country-specific. Many developing countries are creating GHG inventories that rival those of the developed world in ambition and effort, despite the requirements for developing countries being less stringent. The diversity of views on best practices for both GHG inventories and MRV was also noted.

Pointing to its importance for informing the mitigation policies of a country, participants considered the future of MRV and discussed a number of remaining challenges, including: clarifying the best approaches for MRV; setting standards for differentiation between MRV requirements for different countries post-2020; and tailoring MRV to a country’s mitigation targets.

The agenda was structured around presentations on overall hot topics and developments in the MRV field, climate policies and MRV systems in specific countries (Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Kenya, Chile, and the Philippines), implications for MRV of post-2020 pledges and MRV practices for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).

The Partnership, launched within the framework of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue by South Africa, the Republic of Korea and Germany in May 2010, supports a practical exchange on mitigation-related activities and MRV between developing and developed countries. [International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV Press Release] [Exchange Workshop on Institutional Arrangements for MRV Agenda] [BMZ PAKLIM Website] [BMU Information Matters Factsheet]