mgpof6 January 2016: The Major Groups Partnership on Forests (MGPoF) has provided its input into the quadrennial strategic plan (2017-2020) of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF). The proposal responds to the call by the UNFF Secretariat to all stakeholders to submit input, following adoption of a UNFF 11 resolution calling for the design of a strategic plan to serve as a roadmap for 2017-2030.

The Major Groups’ contribution highlights a series of concepts and principles to be taken into consideration in the development of the strategic plan, including: involving Major Groups and other stakeholders at all levels, including policy discussions and implementation; monitoring implementation; funding Major Groups and other stakeholders though a mechanism; ensuring the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) works to advance UNFF goals; ensuring UNFF leadership in implementation of forest-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); linking activities to be undertaken with the resources required; funding allocation; developing guidelines and indicators on improving governance; crafting a mechanism for the UNFF Secretariat to engage with regional bodies and processes for implementation; carrying out national-level assessments; and defining the role of the UNFF Secretariat in facilitating implementation. [Input of Major Groups] [MGPoF Website] [UNFF Website] [UNFF Report on the eleventh session] [IISD RS Coverage of UNFF 11]