March 2011: The Major Groups Programme of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development (UN-DESA/DSD) has proposed a work plan for contributing to and enhancing the participation of Major Groups in the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio 2012).

According to the proposed work plan, the Major Groups Programme will facilitate the participation and contribution of Major Groups into the preparatory process and UNCSD itself, as well as undertake research and policy analysis related to Major Groups.

On supporting Major Groups’ input into preparatory activities and the Conference itself, the work plan includes developing accreditation arrangements and faciliting financial support.

On supporting Major Groups’ preparatory work, the work plan includes supporting Major Groups’ initiatives to raise awareness and engage citizens at the national, regional and international levels in preparation for the UNCSD.

On research and policy analysis to support the Rio 2012, the work plan proposes: a report on Major Groups’ role in implementing political commitments to sustainable development; a brief on CSD multi-stakeholder practices for use by regional and national partners in their consultative processes; a guidance document on participation of major groups; documentation of civil society organizations’ funding challenges; a web-based platform for collaboration and peer-to-peer learning, particularly on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and green economy; and support for Major Groups to prepare positions on the green economy and poverty eradication. [Publication: Proposed Work Plan of Major Groups Programme]