UN-OHRLLS22 October 2014: The second session of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee for the Second UN Conference on the Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) concluded on 22 October 2014, in New York, US. The session, which was initially scheduled for 2-3 October 2014, resumed after being postponed on 2 October 2014, after the first day of discussions.

During the concluding session, UN Member States agreed on: the ‘Accreditation of private sector and civil society organizations to the Second UN Conference on LLDCs,’ which includes the list of private sector, civil society and other participants recommended for accreditation; the ‘Organizational and procedural matters relating to the Second UN Conference on LLDCs,’ including issues related to the adoption of the agenda, dates and venue, and the organization of plenary meetings; and the ‘Draft report of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee for the Second UN Conference on the LLDCs.’

Gyan Chandra Acharya, Secretary-General of the Conference, stressed the need to finalize the draft outcome before the Conference, and said intergovernmental negotiations should be based on flexibility and solidarity.

The intergovernmental negotiations on the draft outcome of the conference are continuing.

The Second UN Conference on LLDCs will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 3-5 November 2014. [Webpage for Conference Preparatory Process] [UN Webcast] [IISD RS Sources]