Ramsar9 December 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has reported that the Ministry of Environment of Lithuania has designated two new Wetlands of International Importance.

The two new sites bring Lithuania’s total Ramsar Sites to seven. The first site, Adutiskis-Svyla-Birveta wetland complex, is a Nature Reserve and Natura 2000 Special Protection Area. The site supports over 500 species of higher vascular plants and over 150 species of birds, including some 50 species that are protected in Lithuania. It is also one of the key staging grounds for migratory water birds in eastern Lithuania. It is threatened by drainage activities, large-scale fires, clear-cutting of old growth forest and unsustainable agricultural uses.

The second site, Girutiskis bog, is a Strict Nature Reserve, Regional Park, and Natura 2000 SPA. It is threatened by habitat overgrowth and invasive species. It makes use of an approved nature management plan.

Lithuania’s designations contribute to one of the goals contained in the Ramsar Convention’s Strategic Plan for 2009-2015, which is to reach a protected area of 250 million hectares by 2015. [Ramsar Press Release]