mary-robinsonUN Women Logo22 September 2014: An event titled ‘Leaders’ Forum on Women Leading the Way: Raising Ambition for Climate Action,’ which was co-hosted by UN Women and the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, addressed the particular needs and responses of women in terms of climate policy.

The Forum took place in New York, US, as part of Climate Week NYC, bringing together over 130 women leaders, representing grassroots, indigenous and young women, and academics, to demonstrate their commitment to ambitious and gender-sensitive climate action. UN Women’s Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and Mary Robinson, founder of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, co-hosted the event. Women leaders discussed robust climate action that is “good for people and good for the planet” with former Heads of State and Government, policy makers, civil society, and international and private sector organizations.

Robinson highlighted climate change as an issue of human rights and fundamental justice, stressing the need to ensure that “women and young people, and the very poorest have their voices heard.” Emphasizing severe impacts of climate change on those least responsible for it, she urged focus on adaptation and on a future that has “renewable energy, zero-carbon emissions, and better health, better light, better energy, better job prospects for everybody.” [Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice Press Release] [UN Women Press Release] [Leaders’ Forum on Women Programme] [Flickr Photo Album of the Forum] [IISD RS Coverage of the UN Climate Summit]