UNFCCCNovember 2009: The UNFCCC Secretariat has announced that the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) has enabled programmes of activities (JI PoA). At its 18th meeting, which was held from 22-23 October 2009, the JISC adopted a procedure that will enable JI PoA under the JI Track 2 procedure.

The new procedure defines a JI PoA as “a coordinated action by a legal or governmental entity that implements a policy or stated goal and is comprised of one or more interrelated types of JI programme activities (JPAs) that have been or will be replicated.” The new JI PoA will therefore enable combination of eligible JI projects under a common programme, in order to help achieve cost-effective implementation across a wider scope of activities while maintaining the environmental integrity of the projects. From 1 December 2009, JI PoAs can be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat to be made publicly available at the UNFCCC JI website for stakeholder comments and consideration by the JISC. [UNFCCC announcement]