UNFCCC22 March 2013: During its 31st meeting, the Joint Implementation (JI) Supervisory Committee (JISC) adopted business and management plans designed to improve the mechanism and ensure its continued usefulness as a policy instrument for climate change mitigation.

The meeting took place from 21-22 March 2013, in Bonn, Germany. The two-year business plan for 2013-2014 sets out the JISC’s strategic direction for JI, including its vision, the objectives its seeks to achieve and the overall direction of its work. The management plan sets out the work, capacity needs and resource requirements needed to implement the business plan.

In addition, at the meeting, JISC considered issues relating to the accreditation of independent entities, and, to enable the selection and improved planning of performance assessments for the verification function of accredited independent entities (AIEs), agreed to request AIEs to publish monitoring reports on the UNFCCC JI website. Other issues considered by the JISC include: the determination and verification reports; guidance by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP); and relations with stakeholders, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). [Publication: Report of 31st Meeting of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee] [Publication: Joint Implementation Two-Year Business Plan and Management Plan 2013-2014]