8 December 2011: The Government of Japan announced a new US$15 million grant to support clean energy efforts and access to renewable energy by climate vulnerable island nations through the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Sustainable Energy Initiative (SIDS DOCK). The initiative provides financial and technical support to island countries to scale up their renewable energy efforts and promote greater energy efficiency.

SIDS DOCK supports island countries in installing clean energy policies and technologies to reduce fossil fuel imports, reduce GHG emissions, and free up resources for adaptation efforts. It aims to increase energy independence and build resilience of SIDS and support them to demonstrate innovative mitigation strategies in the face of resource constraints.

SIDS-DOCK is a partnership launched at the 2010 Cancun Climate Change Conference by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Initiatives currently underway include support for geothermal power development in Vanuatu; energy-efficient buildings in Mauritius; and feasibility studies on alternative energy across the Caribbean and connecting the electricity markets of the Caribbean region. [World Bank Press Release, 8 December 2011][SIDS DOCK Initiative] [UNDP Press Release]