iucn.world.parks15 October 2014: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is seeking input on a document titled ‘The Promise of Sydney,’ which is expected to be adopted at the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014. The document aims to demonstrate the value of investments in protected areas (PAs) and in their diverse custodians, and to accelerate the implementation of innovative approaches to PA management.

As drafted, ‘The Promise of Sydney’ includes: a vision; a section on innovative approaches, organized by conference streams and cross-cutting themes; a compilation of PA solutions, hosted on a dedicated web platform; and a record of promises and commitments made by Congress participants. The vision will contribute to several processes following the Congress, including the development of IUCN’s Programme for 2017-2020, which is expected to be adopted at the World Conservation Congress (WCC) in 2016.

The draft Vision, inter alia: envisages PAs as the foundation of a protected planet; anticipates PA mainstreaming in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets; and regards investment in nature as in investment in security for all.

It calls for three steps: changing the scale of protection to include all essential sites, including terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms, to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem functions and eliminate actions that degrade PAs or undermine relationships between people and nature; inspiring communities to reconnect with nature, especially through PAs and parks; and investing in PA systems as nature’s solutions to societal challenges, including climate change, disasters, health and food and water security.

IUCN is inviting comments on the draft document until 8 November. Comments can be posted on the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 website in English, French or Spanish. [Publication: The Promise of Sydney Vision (Draft)] [The Promise of Sydney Consultation Comments]