ITU Telecom Asia Forum to Address Climate Change. Business opportunities seen in adopting environment-friendly ICT 4 August 2008: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom Asia 2008 will be held from
2-5 September, 2008 in Bangkok Thailand. The event is being
organized on the theme “New Generation New Values,” by ITU Telecom, a part of
the ITU. The event will comprise an exhibition and a forum, and aims to provide
a platform for the information and communications technology (ICT) community to
explore the growth and investment opportunities available in the Asia Pacific
ICT sector.

During the forum, climate
change will be one of the topics considered, under the theme ‘Going Green –
Feel Good or Good Business?’ The climate change forum is aimed at advancing
‘green’ ICTs and discussions will focus on exploring the benefits and business
opportunities of adopting environment-friendly ICTs, and on how ICTs can be a
part of the climate change solution. [ITU Press Release] [Forum Programme] [ITU Telecom Asia 2008 Forum]