6 March 2012: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Spanish company Telefonica have announced the winners of the Second Green Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Hackathon, where developers from all over the world competed to propose and develop a “Sustainable Energy for All” ICT application. The first prize went to a community bicycle application.

The aim of the Hackaton, which was held on 28-29 February 2012, in Barcelona, Spain, was to help promote technology transfer worldwide. The competition also helped to create a global network of “green” ICT developers working to promote the use of ICTs to improve energy efficiency and promote technology transfer, two goals to be addressed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The best three applications were awarded cash prizes on 29 February. Asier Arranz from Spain was awarded the first prize of US$3000 and a Nokia Lumia mobile phone for his “Bicing Gamification” application, which aims to encourage users of Bicing, the community bicycle programme in Barcelona, to deposit bicycles at under-served Bicing stations. According to the developer, the application aims to help reduce costs and carbon dioxide emissions, and “gamify” the programme (that is, turn it into a game) to encourage its use. The second prize of US$2000 and a Nokia Lumia phone went to Dirceu Dirs from Brazil for the “Easy Refuel” application, which targets drivers of electric vehicles and petroleum-fueled cars. The third prize of a Nokia Lumia phone was awarded to Aaron Franco from the US for his “Jatrobot” application, which aims to promote widespread production of biodiesel using social interaction. [ITU Press Release] [Competition Webpage]