ITTO logo29 July 2013: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) released its Tropical Forest Update with an editorial covering innovations to the tools and methods employed to track logs and finished wood products in developing countries. The update also reports on an ITTO project to track timber in Peru, as well as efforts by the Government of Cameroon to trace timber from community forests.

Other ITTO projects highlighted in the update include a project demonstrating the importance of clear land tenure for private forest management in Indonesia, an innovative financing project in the Amazon to promote portable sawmills and sustainable forest management (SFM), and a conservation and restoration project for mangroves in Panama.

The update also includes technical reports on SFM in Guyana and the impacts of logging damage on tropical rainforests. The update market report notes that tropical timber exports continue to be constrained despite recoveries in investment markets and the slow upturn in the global economy. [Publication: ITTO Tropical Forest Update 22 no. 2]