24 January 2012: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and BirdLife International have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation and collaboration between the two organizations, and facilitate implementation of their respective work programmes in tropical forests.

The MoU covers the period 2012-2015. Areas of cooperation relating to the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest biodiversity include: implementation of joint site-based projects; projects and practices addressing drivers of deforestation; mobilization of relevant expertise for joint activities; monitoring approaches; and awareness raising and education activities. One of the proposed area of focus for the next biennium is preventing deforestation and promoting forest restoration as part of both ITTO’s Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Environmental Services (REDDES) thematic programme and BirdLife International’s Forest of Hope Program. The two organizations will liaise to raise funds for joint activities.

The signing ceremony of the MoU took place in Tokyo, Japan, on 24 January 2011, attended by ITTO’s Executive Director Emmanuel Ze Meka and BirdLife International’s Chief Executive Marco Lambertini, and was witnessed by Japan’s Princess Takamado. [ITTO Press Release]