8 November 2018: For the first time during an International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) session, a panel discussion on gender convened at the 54th session of the ITTC (ITTC-54), addressing how to enhance the role of women in achieving the International Tropical Timber Organization’s (ITTO) objectives. Among other decisions taken during ITTC-54 was an agreement that the next Executive Director should come from a Producer country.
ITTC-54 and the Associated Sessions of its four committees met at ITTO headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, from 5-8 November 2018. Nearly 150 delegates from 33 of the 74 ITTO member countries, as well as observers from the private sector, civil society, and regional and international organizations, took part in the discussions.
In addition to the ITTC meeting, the 52nd sessions of the Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets, the Committee on Forest Industry, and the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management approved new projects, reviewed projects and pre-projects under implementation, heard final reports on completed projects, and selected projects for ex-post evaluations. The 33rd session of the Committee on Finance and Administration focused on proposals for revitalizing the ITTO’s financing architecture and resource mobilization strategies.
According to the Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary of the meeting, at the conclusion of ITTC-54, delegates agreed on decisions regarding, inter alia: further measures and legal actions regarding the financial impairment; ITTO’s policy to combat money laundering and terrorism financing; amendments to staff regulations and rules; financial architecture and fundraising; and selection of the ITTO Executive Director.
In regard to fundraising, delegates considered the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Financing Infrastructure and Fundraising Strategies (AHWG-FIFS) that was established at ITTC-53. The Working Group had suggested establishing an additional ITTO fundraising track through which ITTO would tender bids for contracts to implement projects financed by bilateral and/or multilateral donors. ITTC-54 agreed to allow the Executive Director to pilot a fundraising approach focused on the proactive development of proposals with potential sources of funding and/or participation in tenders.
During the panel on women’s role in achieving the ITTO’s objectives, panelists were invited to reflect on their experiences as women leaders in the forest sector. Recommendations for action included systematically collecting gender disaggregated data and involving women in the African forestry industry in more varied capacities.
ITTC-55 and sessions of the associated committees will take place in Lome, Togo, from 2-7 December 2019. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [ITTC-54 website]