10 November 2012: The International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) convened its 48th session from 5-10 November 2012, in Yokohama, Japan. The Council announced funding of US$9 million for sustainable forest management and to support trade of sustainably harvested tropical forest resources.

The funding will support activities under the International Tropical Timber Organization’s (ITTO) 2013-2014 work plan, including country support for effective management of forest protected areas and timber tracking projects, as well as the ITTO thematic programmes on tropical forest law enforcement, reducing emissions from forest degradation and deforestation (REDD) and promoting environmental services, and trade and market transparency.

The Council also approved the ITTO 2013-2018 Strategic Action Plan based on six priorities, including the promotion of good forest governance, sustainable forest management, and international trade in tropical forest products, support for the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity and the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, and improving capacity and information availability on tropical forests, timber markets and trades and sustainable forest management.

The Council was the first convened since the International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA) entered into force in December 2011. [ITTO Press Release]