ITPGRJuly 2014: The Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has published a booklet titled, “Enabling Farmers to Face Climate Change,’ which provides an overview of the projects that are being implemented as part of the second project portfolio of the ITPGR Benefit-sharing Fund.

The publication aims to give a general overview of the second project portfolio, as well as to share achievements, best practices and lessons learned during its mid-term phase of implementation. It provides information about 22 projects that are currently implemented in 33 countries across Africa, Asia, Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean. It documents the allocation of resources to projects in developing countries that have a focus on helping ensure sustainable food security by assisting farmers to adapt to climate change, and are supported by governments, the private sector and international foundations in a coordinated manner. [ITPGR Press Release][Publication: Enabling Farmers to Face Climate Change]