7 March 2014: The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has launched its third call for project proposals under its Benefit-sharing Fund. The focus of the call is to provide financial resources for targeted projects that support farmers’ activities for climate change adaptation, as well as the co-development and transfer of technologies.
Opened by the Bureau of the Governing Body, the call will invest more than US$10 million in projects globally. The call comprises two windows: Window 2 will provide financial support for the implementation of “immediate action projects,” which aim to boost farmers’ livelihoods and assist them in adapting agriculture to the impacts of climate change. Window 3 will specifically support the co-development and transfer of technologies, as well as capacity-building and information-exchange activities, and aims to promote international cooperation through innovative partnerships.
Eligible applicants include governmental and non-governmental organizations, including farmers and farmers’ organizations, genebanks and research institutions, as well as regional and international organizations, based in eligible ITPGR Parties. Applications should be submitted by 5 May 2014. Shortlisted pre-proposal applicants will be requested to submit full proposals. The ITPGR Secretariat has set up a help desk to provide information and assistance to applicants. Following the appraisal process, the Bureau will approve the list of projects to be funded.
The ITPGR Benefit-sharing Fund is funded primarily through voluntary contributions, and has been growing steadily since 2008, when the first call for proposals was launched. The third round of projects is funded mainly by Norway, the European Union and Italy. [ITPGR News Release] [ITPGR Notification] [Further Information on the Third Call] [Eligible Countries]