ITPGR28 September 2013: The Fifth Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has adopted a series of resolutions that aim at enhancing implementation, including through the establishment of an Ad hoc Working Group on enhanced implementation of the Treaty’s Multilateral System for Access and Benefit-sharing (MLS).

The Working Group is mandated to develop measures to increase user-based payments and contributions to the Benefit-sharing Fund, as a priority, as well as additional measures to enhance the functioning of the MLS. While the Working Group’s focus will be on boosting benefit-sharing with regard to the list of crops currently included in the MLS, the terms of reference do not preclude an expansion of the MLS by adding new crops to Annex I.

In addition, the Governing Body adopted a resolution on the funding strategy for the Benefit-sharing Fund containing a list of innovative approaches to increase voluntary contributions to ensure a continuous increase in the funding available for projects that support the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA).

Other outcomes from the meeting include a work programme on sustainable use, a resolution on framers’ rights and a finalized set of rules of procedure and a voluntary reporting format to support compliance. Delegates welcomed these outcomes as significant steps towards enhanced implementation.

­­­The Fifth Session of the ITPGR Governing Body convened from 24-28 September 2013, in Muscat, Oman. It was attended by over 450 participants from parties and other governments, international, non-governmental and farmers’ organizations, and industry. The meeting was preceded by a High-Level Ministerial Conference, organized by the Government of Oman on 21 September, and two days of regional consultations on 22-23 September 2013. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [Meeting Website] [ITPGR Press Release]