ITPGR8 April 2015: A project supported by the Benefit-Sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR) has helped more than 440 Peruvian potato farmers conserve and manage their native potato varieties through the establishment of seed orchards in 23 communities as well as through other activities.

The ITPGR project increased potato production and commercial revenue through the establishment of farmers’ associations and local seed banks, where participatory seed selection was carried out. The project also focused on revitalizing and adopting technologies and good practices related to soil and water management; setting up a monitoring system of the varieties maintained on-farm by local communities; and adding value to existing germplasm through documentation and morphological characterization.

The unique varieties identified are expected to be included in the Treaty’s Multilateral System of access and benefit-sharing through their deposit in the genebank of Peru’s National Institute of Agrarian Innovation later this year, while related information will be linked to the Treaty’s Global Information System. [ITPGR Press Release] [ITPGR Benefit-Sharing Fund Webpage]