FarnesinaPress14 October 2014: A two-day conference, titled ‘Italy-Africa: Working Together for a Sustainable Energy Future,’ was hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The event engaged high-level officials from Italy, the EU and Sub-Saharan Africa to discuss, among other issues, off-grid renewables, renewable energy technologies, electricity infrastructure and natural-resource-based development.

Held under the framework of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the event, which took place from 13-14 October in Rome, Italy, included a technical workshop, on 13 October, and the ministerial conference, on 14 October. The technical workshop, jointly organized with the Africa-EU Partnership (AEEP), which is co-presided by Italy, convened under the title ‘Dialogue Forum with the Private Sector in the Off-Grid Renewable Energy Market.’ Participants discussed strategies and opportunities, including: reducing political and regulatory risk; reducing financial and economic risk; and strengthening cooperation between energy and agriculture.

The ministerial conference took place in parallel panel sessions on: competitive development of renewable energy technologies; electricity infrastructure as a factor for sustainable development and integration; natural-resource-based development, including the energy-development nexus; and urbanization, energy and education for sustainable development. The conference also featured a presentation of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) ‘Africa Energy Outlook’ report, by IEA Chief Economist Fatih Birol.

Speaking at the event, Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, said: “Our common objective should be to put in place the conditions for an energy revolution across the developing world, bringing sustainable and affordable electricity to all citizens, and reliable and sufficient capacity to permit business to invest in confidence, creating jobs and growth.”

The event was part of the ‘Italy-Africa Initiative’ of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, aimed at promoting a sustainable growth model and revitalizing Italian initiatives in Africa in several areas, including human rights, democracy, conflict prevention, agriculture, the environment and renewable energy. The environment and energy segment of the Initiative seeks to identify prospects for investment in electricity generation, and development of renewable energy sources and networks. [Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Press Release] [Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Video on Youtube] [Conference Webpage] [Conference Agenda] [IISD RS Story on IEA Africa Energy Outlook]