tropical_forests-isuApril 2015: The Prince’s Charities International Sustainability Unit (established by HRH The Prince of Wales) compiled a synthesis of the state of knowledge on tropical forests and the policies governing their management. Overall, the report, titled ‘Tropical Forests – A Review,’ notes that the global rate of deforestation continues to increase at an average annual rate of 200,000 hectares.

The report notes that a lack of attention to the root causes of deforestation and forest degradation has continued to worsen the state of tropical forests, with negative consequences for climate change and sustainable development.

Advances in forestry and forest ecology along with new funding mechanisms such as REDD+ can, according to the report, contribute to the improved management of tropical forests. However, the publication also notes that success hinges on overcoming challenges such as a lack of funding, limited political commitments to wise stewardship and a piecemeal approach to forest management.

The report also presents a number of policy recommendations including: adopting a landscape approach to tropical forest management; enhancing implementation of deforestation-free supply chain commitments; ensuring the security of land tenure and use rights; and implementing jurisdictional approaches to REDD+. [Publication: Tropical Forests – A Review]