February 2018: The International Standards Organization (ISO) has released a special issue of its journal, ‘ISOfocus,’ on water and sanitation. The January-February 2018 issue discusses performance standards and possibilities for water reuse and recycling, sustainable sanitation, non-sewered sanitation systems and waste-to-energy projects. The publication highlights the need to manage water resources at the global scale, and the urgent need to manage water resources in the context of rapid urbanization and the quest to create sustainable cities.

The special issue includes an interview with Debbie Chapman of the UN Environment Global Environment Monitoring System for Water (GEMS/Water). Chapman stresses the importance of water resource managers and policy makers becoming aware of the importance of monitoring the quality of water bodies and aquatic ecosystems. She notes that education, training and awareness raising at all levels will be important in meeting the Sustainable Development Goal on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), including the related indicator SDG 6.3.2 on the proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality.

Education, training and awareness raising at all levels will be important in meeting SDG 6.

ISO released the special issue of ‘ISOfocus’ to mark the start of the UN International Decade for Action: Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028, which will be officially launched in coordination with World Water Day on 22 March. ISO President, John Walter, notes in his forward to the publication that national standards are an integral part of achieving every one of the SDGs, including ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

ISO is an international standard-setting body headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The organization has a membership of 162 national standards bodies that cooperate to develop consensus-based international standards. [‘About ISO’ Web Page] [ISOfocus Special Issue Web Page] [Publication: ISOfocus #126: Water and Sanitation] [Water Action Decade] [GEMS/Water]