4 April 2011: The Preparatory Commission for the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its fifth and final session on 3 April, during which it discussed provisional rules of procedure, staff and financial matters, host country agreements, and work programme and budget, among other agenda items.

On the appointment of the IRENA Director-General, delegates were informed that, after a thorough selection process, seven candidates were considered eligible for interviews. After these interviews the selection committee unanimously selected Adnan Amin, Kenya, and Pedro Marín, Spain, as finalists. Each candidate addressed the floor for five minutes, followed by a question and answer session with delegates. After the vote, Chair Davidson announced that Adnan Amin, who obtained 76 out of 112 valid votes, was the Director-General designate.

On 4 April, Amin was sworn in as Director-General for a term of four years, at the opening of the first session of the IRENA Assembly. The Assembly continued to 5 April. [IISD RS coverage of IRENA Preparatory Committee and first Assembly]