IRENA15 July 2012: At a workshop hosted by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Pacific Power Association (PPA), technical and Pacific utility experts discussed strategies and solutions to ensure grid stability while increasing renewable energy inputs. The workshop, titled “Assessment of grid stability for increased renewable energy integration in the Pacific,” took place on the sidelines on the 21st annual PPA conference, on 15 July 2012, in Vanuatu.

IRENA notes that, as part of Pacific countries’ efforts to diversify their energy mix and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, the countries have integrated higher shares of renewable energy, such as solar and wind, into their grids. This integration requires operational knowledge on maintaining the stability of the grid and ensuring power quality. The workshop aimed to assist utilities in identifying technology solutions and strategies for these challenges.

The workshop included case studies from Australia and Niue, and presentations on: assessing and modeling grid stability, including through simulation software tools; storage systems for integration; Pacific-specific integration challenges; and network perspectives on integration issues and solutions. IRENA and PPA presented their collaborative grid assessment study, which identifies technical requirements for grid stability and appropriate technology solutions for Pacific utilities. [IRENA Press Release] [Agenda] [Presentations]