28 October 2011: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held a workshop, in partnership with the World Bank and the Government of Australia, from 26-28 October in Sydney, Australia, on accelerating renewable energy deployment on islands.

The workshop launched IRENA’s work in the Pacific Region, which together with Africa is an IRENA geographic focus area in 2012. The workshop was attended by approximately 60 representatives and experts from Pacific Islands and other small island developing States, development organizations, inter-governmental regional organizations and industry. Participants discussed the scaling-up of renewable energy, examples of technology deployment projects, and their diverse backgrounds and experiences.

The workshop produced an outcome document identifying key steps for IRENA to take in order to make its work with the Pacific Islands a success, including: designing activities in alignment with national and regional energy frameworks and relevant actors of Pacific Island energy sectors, including those of the “Energizing the Pacific” initiative; ensuring existing local expertise and projects are built upon; providing tailored technical advice on accessing affordable and reliable renewable and storage technologies; advising and supporting the private sector, especially local entrepreneurs; acting as a “one-stop-shop” for information on renewables and their deployment; and supporting ongoing capacity building efforts.

A high-level IRENA/Pacific Leaders forum will be held in January 2012, in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on the margin’s of IRENA’s Second Assembly, to further discuss on the ideas presented at the workshop. [IRENA Press Release] [Workshop Outcome Statement] [Workshop Agenda]