wes201419 January 2014: The fourth Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) was preceded by a ministerial meeting on the Africa Clean Energy Corridor initiative. In addition, a ministerial roundtable discussion took place in parallel to the IRENA Assembly on the last day of the meeting.

More than 1,200 participants attended the Assembly, which took place from 18-19 January 2014, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Key issues considered included: the work programme and budget for 2014-15 and procedure for appointing the Director-General; IRENA’s annual publication, REthinking Energy; the IRENA Renewable Energy and Jobs Report; a report on IRENA’s Global Roadmap to 2030 (REmap 2030); Renewable Readiness Assessments; the IRENA/Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) Project Facility; and the Project Navigator, an online tool to support the development of renewable energy projects.

During the ministerial meeting on Friday, 17 January, agreement was reached to endorse the IRENA Communiqué on the Africa Clean Energy Corridor, an initiative launched by the third session of the IRENA Assembly with the objective of developing clean, indigenous, cost-effective, renewable power to support Africa’s economic development.

On Saturday, a signing ceremony took place at the Assembly for 23 new members to join the Global Renewable Energy Atlas initiative. On Sunday, a high-level event on public support for renewable energy and launch of the Coalition for Action took place, along with a high-level event on the costing of renewable energy and launch of the Renewable Costing Alliance. [IISD RS Coverage] [IRENA Fourth Assembly Website] [UNECA Press Release on the Africa clean Energy Corridor]