29 March 2011: The sixth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), the Governing Body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), agreed on the strategic objectives for its new Strategic Framework and decided to revise further the Framework for adoption at CPM 7.

Held from 14-18 March 2011, in Rome, Italy, CPM 6 reached consensus on the following four strategic objectives for the Strategic Framework 2012-2019: protect sustainable agriculture and enhance global food security through prevention of pest spread; protect the environment, forests and biodiversity against plant pests; facilitate economic and trade development through promotion of harmonized, scientifically-based phytosanitary measures; and develop members’ phytosanitary capacity to accomplish these objectives.

The Commission agreed on the Strategic Framework’s overall intent and structure and decided to develop further the Framework’s details. IPPC members are therefore asked to send written comments and technical support information to the IPPC Secretariat by 15 April 2011.

The Commission also adopted new International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), including on the phytosanitary certification system and certificates, which had received a large number of comments prior to CPM 6. In order to streamline future standards setting, the Commission called for a focus group to study ways to improve the standards setting process. Given the high number of new standards currently on the Commission’s work plan, participants decided to pause the biannual call for topics for 2011. [IPPC News Release on Strategic Objectives] [IPPC Press Release on Standards]