UN-OHRLLS19 April 2016: The co-facilitators for the preparatory process on the high-level mid-term review of the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPOA) have revised the draft outcome document, to incorporate views expressed at the preparatory meeting of experts in March 2016. The revised draft will serve as the basis for informal consultations, beginning in New York, US, on 25 April 2016. Benedicte Frankinet, Permanent Representative of Belgium, and Jean-Francis Zinsou, Permanent Representative of Benin, serve as co-facilitators.

The draft circulated on 19 April includes recommendations related to: strengthening national statistical capacities in the least developed countries (LDCs); ensuring decent work for all is considered a central objective of macroeconomic and fiscal policies; productive capacity building; graduation; infrastructure and energy; agriculture, food security and rural development; trade and investment; good governance at all levels; gender equality; financing for development (FfD); migration and remittances: science, technology and innovation (STI); resilience building; and advocacy and UN system support.

The text also encourages the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to consider holding a Fifth UN Conference on LDCs in 2021.

The preparatory meeting of experts convened in New York from 28-31 March 2016. Bangladesh, for the LDCs, said the outcome document of the midterm review should reflect the importance of: strengthening trade in LDCs; creating resilience-building mechanisms; creating an investment support center for LDCs; combating the illicit transfer of money from LDCs; fully operationalizing the Technology Bank for LDCs by 2017; and ensuring debt sustainability. He also urged universal recognition of the LDC group and increased representation of LDCs in the decision-making process of the global financial architecture.

The midterm review of the implementation of the IPOA will meet in Antalya, Turkey, from 27-29 May 2016. [Draft Outcome Document for the Midterm Review of the IPOA] [Midterm Review Website] [IISD RS Story Summarizing the IPOA Midterm Review Process] [IISD RS Sources]