23 June 2010: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released the final list of climate change experts who will prepare the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) to be published between 2013 and 2014. The list includes Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors.

In total, 827 experts will contribute to the AR5, divided between the three Working Groups (WG) of the Panel. WG I focuses on the physical science basis and will include 258 experts. WG II, which assesses the impacts, adaptation strategies and vulnerability related to climate change, will involve 302 experts. The assessment in WG III, which covers mitigation response strategies in an integrated risk and uncertainty framework, will be carried out by 267 experts.

In the selection of authors, particular attention has been given to relevant expertise to ensure that IPCC author teams consist of leading experts in the respective fields reflecting a range of scientific views on climate change. The selected experts are drawn from many disciplines, including meteorology, physics, oceanography, statistics, engineering, ecology, social sciences and economics.

In addition, in selecting the author teams, the Panel stressed the need for regional and gender balance and recognized the importance of involving new and younger authors. In comparison to the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), participation from developing countries has increased. About 30% of authors will come from developing countries or economies in transition. The proportion of female experts has significantly increased since the AR4, reaching approximately 25% of the selected authors. Over 60% of the experts chosen are new to the IPCC process.

To select the authors of the AR5, the IPCC received approximately 3,000 nominations. At the Bureau session held on 19-20 May 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland, the three WGs presented their selected authors and review editors for the AR5. Each of the selected scientists, specialists and experts was nominated in accordance with IPCC procedures by respective national IPCC Focal Points, approved observer organizations, or the IPCC Bureau. [IPCC Press Release]