13 September 2012: The provisional agenda has been circulated for the first plenary meeting of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-1). IPBES-1 will be hosted by the Government of Germany, and take place in Bonn, Germany, from 21-26 January 2013. Regional and stakeholder consultations will take place on 20 January 2013.

Based on the provisional agenda, participants will discuss: the rules and procedures for the operations of the Plenary and for meetings of the Plenary; policy and procedures for the admission of observers; the initial work programme of the Platform and steps required; the procedure for receiving and prioritizing requests put to the Platform; the role of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel in overseeing the preparation of the initial work programme; and possible institutional arrangements for the implementation of the work programme.

The meeting also will consider the nomination and selection of the members of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and institutional arrangements, such as for the Secretariat, and the link between the Platform and the UN system, and it will address financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform.

Registration information for IPBES-1 is available at the IPBES website. [IPBES-1 Documents]