ban_ki_moon_concert22 April 2015: In celebration of Earth Day, multilateral institutions and organizations worldwide held public concerts and forums, revealed a ‘forest pavilion,’ and released special newsletters and statements, among many other commemorative activities. The UN kicked off its Earth Day events with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speaking at the Global Citizen Earth Day Concert on 18 April in Washington DC, US, where he told the crowd, “Take your passion and compassion and build a better, sustainable world.”

Ban was joined by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Global Environment Facility (GEF) CEO Naoko Ishii at the concert. Lagarde emphasized that women bear the brunt of poverty and the importance of mobilizing funds for sustainable development. Ishii focused her remarks on marine debris and how to take action. Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day was organized in partnership with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Foundation, ONE Campaign, Save the Children, Oxfam America, CARE and World Vision.

A statement released by Ban in honor of Earth Day stresses that 2015 is a critical opportunity, with expected adoption of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and a universal climate change agreement. Also with regard to climate change, ‘The Earth Statement,’ which suggests the eight essential elements to the anticipated universal climate change agreement, was launched. The Statement is signed by 17 of the world’s leading scientists and supported by various high-level officials and concerned citizens from around the world.

Focusing on forests’ role in a sustainable world, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) marked Earth Day by teaming up with Austria to offer a sneak preview of the country’s exhibit for the 2015 World Expo in Milan, Italy. The ‘Breathe’ Pavilion recreates the Austrian forest in Italy and demonstrates forests’ vital role for clean air, food production and improved quality of life in hot, polluted cities. Powered by the sun, the Pavilion will open to the public on 1 May.

Marking the Day, Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), released a statement highlighting Earth Day as an opportunity to recognize biodiversity as “the basis for healthy and resilient ecosystems, which support the production of the food we eat, are the source of our medicines, give us clean water, protect us from extreme weather events and also provide the roots of many cultural traditions.” He emphasized that steps toward protecting biodiversity are steps toward sustainable development.

A special issue of Marine World Heritage News was released by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Convention to celebrate Earth Day. The issue highlights Glacier Bay, covers efforts to get the Belize Barrier Reef off the World Heritage in Danger list and offers lessons in shared learning across marine sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

Finally, the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs used the occasion of Earth Day to launch its Fulbright Arctic Initiative, which is bringing together scholars from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the US for collaborative, multi-disciplinary research on energy, water, health and infrastructure in the Arctic.

Earth Day is held annually on 22 April. According to the UN’s website for International Mother Earth Day, the year 2015 represents the 45th anniversary of the holiday. [UN Press Release, Global Citizen Earth Day Concert] [Ban Remarks at Global Citizen Earth Day Concert] [IMF Video, Managing Director at Global Citizen Earth Day Concert] [GEF Press Release, CEO at Global Citizen Earth Day Concert] [Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day Website] [Ban Earth Day Statement] [UN International Mother Earth Day Website] [Earth Day Network Website] [FAO Press Release, Breathe Pavilion] [FAO Video on Breathe Pavilion] [CBD Executive Secretary Statement] [Marine World Heritage News: April 2015] [Fulbright Arctic Initiative Webpage] [The Earth Statement]