12 March 2010: The International Conference on the Major Forest Basins, which took place in Paris, France, on 11 March 2010, discussed funding for REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, plus conservation, sustainable management of forests, and stock enhancement) activities during 2010-2012.

The event brought together representatives from 54 countries, representing the main forest basins in the world as well as donor countries. The conference focused on the international forest mechanism that was announced in December 2009 by Australia, France, Japan, Norway, the UK and the US, who collectively pledged nearly US$3.5 billion in initial funding for REDD+ over the period 2010-2012.
The conference, which was hosted by the French Government, was opened by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Other high-level government officials included: Bernard Kouchner, French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs; Jean-Louis Borloo, French Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea; Carlos Minc, Brazilian Minister of the Environment; José Endundo Bononge, Minister of the Environment and Tourism of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and Erik Solheim, Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development.
Participants engaged in three sessions on: pledges of initial funding and action for forests; coordination of initial funding and action for forests; and organization of long-term international action concerning REDD+. A second conference will be organized in Oslo, Norway, in May 2010. [Conference Press Kit] [Conference Website]