“International Coast Day” was celebrated, on 24 October 2008, in several countries of the Mediterranean region under the theme “sustainable beach management.” The event seeks to promote the value of beaches as the most important coastal ecosystems that plays a key role in economic coastal tourism.

“Coast Day” was first launched on 24 October 2007 by the Short and Medium-Term Priority Environmental Action Programme (SMAP III) partner and the UN Environment Programme, Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre. This year, a wide range of events took place in different countries of the region, all aimed at raising the awareness of policy makers and the general public about the value of the Mediterranean coast. The Mediterranean Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, which was signed in Madrid in January 2008, was also promoted at all levels as a legal instrument that allows the countries to better manage their coastal zones, as well as to deal with emerging coastal environmental challenges.
Link to further information
International Coast Day Press Release