The UN Global Compact launched a web-based impact management tool to enable companies to learn about, manage and improve their sustainability performance. The interactive tool informs companies which SDGs matter most for their area of business and set goals for action. The SDG Action Manager was launched at the end of January 2020. Created by B Lab and the UN Global Compact, the Action Manager also brings together B Lab’s B Impact Assessment, the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles and the SDGs to enable action through self-assessment, benchmarking and improvement. 

The tool aims to help companies:

  • Learn which SDGs matter most to them based on their company profiles;
  • Gain clarity on the ways in which operations, supply chains and business models can have positive impacts and identify risk areas for each SDG; and
  • Set goals and track and improve their progress on the SDGs.

Andrew Kassoy, B Lab Global Cofounder and CEO, said that the role of business is to participate in delivering on the SDGs, use the power of business to solve the world’s most urgent problems, and inspire others to do the same. 

Free for companies to access and use, the SDG Action Manager was developed with input from corporate sustainability experts, civil society, the UN and academia.

B Lab serves a global movement of people using business as a force for good. Over 3,000 Certified B Corporations operate across 150 industries and in 70 countries, with over 70,000 companies using the B Impact Assessment. [UN Global Compact News Story] [SDG Action Manager Website]