14 May 2010: The Permanent Missions of Denmark and Mexico and the Executive Office of the Secretary-General co-organized an informal briefing to delegations on the UNFCCC process on 14 May 2010, at UN Headquarters in NY, US.
Speakers included: Robert Orr, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning, who addressed the UN Secretary-General’s current climate initiatives; Ambassador Carsten Stauer, Danish Permanent Mission to the UN, who discussed the road to Cancun and coordination with the next Conference of the Parties (COP) Presidency; Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba, Mexican Permanent Mission to the UN, who provided further details on Cancun preparations; and Halldor Thorgeirsson from the UNFCCC, who discussed preparations for the next UNFCCC session in Bonn in May-June 2010, as well as others to be held before Cancun. [IISD RS Sources] [UN Journal 14 May 2010]