21 February 2013: The Public Dialogue and Leadership Meeting on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda have taken place in Copenhagen, Denmark, to review the final report and findings of the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Chairpersons’ summary will be circulated to the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) and the other post-2015 global thematic consultations.
Co-hosted by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Women and the Governments of Denmark and Ghana, the Public Dialogue was held on 18 February and the Leadership Meeting on 19 February 2013.
The public dialogue included three interactive discussions that focused on: the impacts of inequalities impacts of inequalities; the different dimensions of inequality that should be of greatest concern, the synergies among them and the common factors that drive and sustain them; and the most effective ways to address inequalities and their driving factors in a new development agenda, as well as ways to assess and measure progress on reducing inequalities in the years ahead.
The results of the dialogue were presented to the leadership meeting that was held on the second day. The leadership meeting, which included a High-Level Roundtable on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, produced a Chairpersons’ summary statement.
In concluding remarks, Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director, UN Women, emphasized the need for universal goals, making inclusion a guiding principle, and zero-tolerance for inequality and deprivation. Tony Lake, Executive Director, UNICEF, presenting the Chairpersons’ summary statement, highlighted: rising inequality as a key challenge to sustainable development; that inequalities found in the economic, social, political and environmental domains are intertwined and need to be addressed systematically and coherently; that structural inequalities and social exclusion have not been sufficiently addressed, and inequalities can be reduced through targeted and transformative policies and actions; the consultation’s recommendation for a strong integration of human rights principles in the post-2015 framework; and empowerment and advancement of women as crucial to development and economic growth. He urged promoting gender equality as an integral part of a future set of international development goals.
Inequalities is one of 11 themes being addressed on a global level by the UN Development Group’s (UNDG) consultations on the post-2015 development agenda. The consultation process was co-led by UNICEF and UN Women, with support from the Governments of Denmark and Ghana. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [Chairperson’s Summary Statement] [Public Dialogue Day Programme and Webcast] [Publication: Addressing Inequalities: Synthesis Report of Global Public Consultation] [Inequalities Consultation Website]