UN CC:Learn22 January 2014: The One UN Training Service Platform on Climate Change (UN CC:Learn) has reported on the outcomes of the inaugural training workshop on REDD+ convened by the Government of Indonesia.

The workshop, jointly organized by the Ministry of Forestry and the National Council on Climate Change, targeted national and local decision makers and was held the 21 and 22 January 2014 in West Kalimantan. The workshop focused on the role of forests in responding to climate change, introduced REDD+ negotiations, highlighted progress in REDD+ in Indonesia, and discussed relevant national policies and lessons learned from REDD+ implementation.

The workshop was convened in response to Indonesia’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy, which emphasizes the importance of education within climate change mitigation and adaptation activities, including REDD+.

UN CC:Learn is a One UN initiative that brings together 33 multilateral organizations and supports Member States in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is hosted by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). [UN CC:Learn Press Release]