india_uk13 November 2015: The Prime Ministers of the UK and India have issued a joint statement stressing their shared and uncompromising commitment to tackling climate change, including by taking domestic action and by working together for an ambitious and comprehensive agreement at the Paris Climate Change Conference. The Joint Statement on Energy and Climate Change was released during a meeting between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and British Prime Minister David Cameron held in London, UK.

In the Joint Statement, the two Prime Ministers stress climate change and sustainable energy as strategic priorities for both countries. Prime Minister Cameron highlights the UK’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction commitment of at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Prime Minister Modi stresses, inter alia, India’s GHG emission intensity reduction commitment of 33-35% compared to 2005 levels by 2030.

The two leaders recognize the need for the Paris agreement to “give a clear signal to our citizens, businesses and investors on the long-term direction of travel to foster innovation and research and development to make clean energy more affordable.”

In the Statement, the Prime Ministers also commit to strengthening the existing energy partnership between the two countries, including through regular summits. They also welcome the signing of a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on strengthening energy cooperation, including in the areas of electricity market reform, energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy storage.

Announcements on financing for new and existing projects included: joint funding of £10 million for a new Virtual Joint Centre on clean energy; up to £200 million in investments from the UK, under the UK Climate Investment venture, in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in India and Africa; UK funding for the India Innovation Lab for Green Finance, an independent initiative endorsed by the Government of India; and £10 million from the UK, over five years, under a technical assistance programme to support national and state-level reforms in India’s power sector.

Speaking at a press conference, Prime Minister Modi expressed satisfaction with progress in cooperation in clean energy and climate change involving the two countries’ Governments and the private sector, noting this is an area with “enormous opportunities.” He also looked forward to a “concrete outcome in Paris within the framework of the UN Convention on Climate Change that charts decisive goals for a sustainable and low-carbon future for the world.”

The Joint Statement on Energy and Climate Change was launched during the UK-India Summit 2015, which took place from 12-13 November, in London, UK, and which also resulted in a broader ‘Joint Statement on the United Kingdom-India Summit 2015.’ [UK Government Press Release] [UK Government Press Conference Transcript] [India-UK Joint Statement on Energy and Climate Change]